Use "liberal party|liberal party" in a sentence

1. 12 Three hundred delegates attended the Liberal party congress.

2. In 1906 the Liberal Party romped back to power.

3. 9 This left the Liberal Party in total disarray .

4. We are the political wing of the Liberal Party.

5. The name "Parti National" is soon abandoned and the party calls itself the Liberal party.

6. The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline.

7. How do you explain the decline of the Liberal party?

8. 24 In 1906 the Liberal Party romped back to power.

9. The split in the Liberal party seems to be irreconcilable.

10. The Liberal Party has won control of the legislative assembly.

11. The current Liberal Party has no actual experience of government.

12. The party combined socialists with liberal democrats and progressive Christians.

13. 23 The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline.

14. Laurier would never live to see a united Liberal Party again.

15. The Estonian Centre Party (Estonian: Eesti Keskerakond) is a centrist, social-liberal, populist political party in Estonia.

16. Aso's Liberal Democratic party government does not look up to the task.

17. Many of the more liberal elements of the party coalesced behind him.

18. There is no equivalent history of the Liberal party during this period.

19. How many candidates is the Liberal Party running in the General Election?

20. Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic party plans to legalise casino gambling next year.

21. By a contortion of semantics he led the so-called Liberal Party.

22. His coalition was the first non-Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) government since 1955.

23. Hellyer rejoined the Liberal Party in 1982, but remained mostly silent in politics.

24. The traditional Asquithian-Liberal section of the party, which dominated the constituencies believed in the need to reiterate the established Liberal shibboleths.

25. Chamberlain was a Cabinet Minister until he left the Liberal party in 18

26. Mr Kim's ruling Democratic Liberal Party had easy wins in three by-elections.

27. • But ministers from the conservative Liberal Democratic party were more Circumspect in their criticism.

28. Nearly every conservative and liberal party in the world today champions the globalized economy.

29. The Liberal Party set out to change that by a policy it called "populism."

30. He has been a staunch supporter of the Liberal Party for over thirty years.

31. 12 Chamberlain was a Cabinet Minister until he left the Liberal party in 18

32. The policy built up support for the Liberal party in rural North Island electorates.

33. The election was won by the Liberal Party, and Richard Seddon became Prime Minister.

34. The Liberal Democratic Party conceded defeat as soon as the election results were known.

35. The Liberal Party, however, has always been willing to accommodate them, at least minimally.

36. 30 But ministers from the conservative Liberal Democratic party were more circumspect in their criticism.

37. The war had at least brought some unity within the ranks of the liberal party.

38. Political observers said that without a strong opposition party in Parliament there would be few checks on Chretien and the Liberal Party.

39. 2 The Liberal Democratic Party was recognized to be in fact an ultra-nationalist formation.

40. We recognize that a collection of factors explain the decline of the Liberal party 1906-

41. He joined the Liberal Party in 1968 and served on the Young Liberals' executive committee.

42. The co-ops have longstanding political ties to the Liberal Democratic Party, which dominates the government.

43. There may be other ways of explaining the decline of the Liberal party in this period.

44. Only in the rapidly declining Liberal party did the radicals have any significant influence on policy.

45. 24 He's joined the Liberal Party, and now he's a very important cog in the cabinet.

46. To Liberal party activists, however, it was the extinction of a lamp, the end of an era.

47. 🔊 The bill has not passed parliament because the conservative party is Antithetical to the liberal party’s

48. For the witless gutsiness of past policies, it should be noted that the current major opposition party, the Liberal Democratic party, is very much answerable.

49. In the political field he supplied munificent financial support to the Liberal Party and its numerous causes.

50. This led some in the liberal media to marginalize the entire Tea Party phenomenon as an " astroturfing" sham.

51. The successful Liberal party candidate in the last pre-Farclandia election, he has the title but not the clout.

52. The party seeks to establish Islamic Shariah laws in Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority nation governed by liberal secular laws.

53. The Liberal–National Coalition, commonly known simply as the Coalition, is an alliance of centre-right political parties that forms one of the two major groupings in Australian federal politics.The two partners in the Coalition are the Liberal Party of Australia and the National Party of Australia (the latter previously known as the Country Party and the National Country Party).

54. Prior to the 2010 general election, the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats pledged to introduce fixed-term elections.

55. The Bloc was formed by Members of Parliament (MPs) who defected from the federal Progressive Conservative Party and Liberal Party during the collapse of the Meech Lake Accord.

56. All this had been achieved at the expense of the Liberal Party which had monopolized all three areas before 19

57. On many issues, the convergence with the Liberal Democrats is so marked that there may be mileage in cross-party initiatives.

58. To mention her name at a dinner party in the highly educated liberal suburb where Lexington lives is to ask for trouble.

59. Federal judge issues scathing dissent Accusing the media of liberal bias and being a 'Democratic Party trumpet', while calling for 1964 Supreme …

60. Mr. Obama ran to the left, but not on the kind of unapologetic liberal platform some in his party would have wanted.

61. The election resulted in a hung parliament, with the Liberal government dependent on the support of the third largest party, the Irish nationalists.

62. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, founder of the strongly nationalist Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, accused Masyuk in 1996 of being on the payroll of Chechen separatists.

63. The Liberal Party, led by Justin Trudeau, won 184 seats, allowing it to form a majority government with Trudeau becoming the next Prime Minister.

64. The liberal elements among industrial capitalists and nobility believed in peaceful social reform and a constitutional monarchy, forming the Constitutional Democratic Party or Kadets.

65. That compares with 30 percent in favor of the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party LDP, Boding well for the DPJ's fortunes in the next election

66. The Roots of Liberal Condescension Snobbery is the last refuge of the liberal-arts major

67. "National Liberal Arts College Rankings".

68. Atwin's aisle-crossing marks a small win for a Liberal party looking to tout its environmental credentials and shore up the ranks of its minority government

69. Atwin's aisle-crossing marks a small win for a Liberal party looking to tout its environmental credentials and shore up the ranks of its minority government

70. Atwin's aisle-crossing marks a small win for a Liberal party looking to tout its environmental credentials and shore up the ranks of its minority government

71. Finding the party he founded demoralized, vilified, and acephalous, the combative Arce accepted the difficult challenge of running against the officially supported, popular Liberal candidate Ismael Montes.

72. Anna Arrowsmith, a former porn director, has been selected as a parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Democrats, the UK's 3rd largest political party, the Guardian reported Saturday.

73. Ferdinand appointed new, nominally liberal, ministers.

74. Use liberal praise as a reward.

75. 7 His attitudes are quite liberal.

76. Newly minted Liberal MP Jenica Atwin says she would still be a Green MP if party leader Annamie Paul had supported her after the events of May 14

77. 4 I had quite liberal parents.

78. Some liberal investment banker from Scarsdale?

79. Not even pro-choice liberal feminists.

80. 27 She's very liberal with her advice!